Anyone who knows me would immediately grasp the shock value here as the word ‘stylish’ is definitely one that has never ever been associated with my name – until today. Slobbish, slothish, sloppy and scruffy have always been the usual fare.
Anyway, according to Jody, the rules that go with this surprising nomination are as follows:
Rules for the Stylish Blogger Awards
Thank you and link to the person who nominated you.
Jody, you’re a darlin’ ! Thank you!!
Share seven random facts about yourself.
See below.
Pass the award along to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
See below.
Contact the winners to congratulate them.
Ok, Will do!
So let’s get on with it then.
Seven random facts about me. (Very, very secret ones.)
1. I live on the 14th floor even though I suffer from vertigo.
2. As a boy, I shook hands with Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen was busy shaking someone else’s hand so I made do with second best.
3. Most people are surprised to learn that I was in fact born beardless, but this is in fact quite true.
4. Keyboards, computers and word processors have been a boon for me because as hard as I have tried, no one, including myself, has ever been able to read my handwriting.
5. My writing career started late in life. (Refer to random fact number 4 for the reason why.)
6. My artistic bent started at an early age. After a very short Play-Doh stage, I moved rapidly into drawing, painting, and photography, followed by a long musical stage before taking on serious head-down writing. However, if this writing stage doesn’t work out and lead to fame and fortune, I’ve still got pottery and sculpture up my sleeve.
7. Although I can eat absolutely anything at all, from ants to zebra liver, I just can’t get risotto or marzipan past my lips. Just the thought of these two nasties makes my stomach turn.
I shook hands with Prince Philip when I was 6! And I was also born without a beard. This is uncanny.
Yours sincerely, your twin x
Oh, also, stylish my arse.
Big mouth Phil as always Tracy. No secret is ever safe with him!
Wow, Derek! Of all the things to have my blog nominated for, I wouldn't have begun to imagine stylish would be one of them. :)
But thank you very much! I'll have to consider who to nominate and post my nominations as soon as I can.
PS: I, too, was born without a beard. Coincidence? Hmmm …
Born beardless too Debbi ! We have so much in common. :)
Does this mean that we now have to prostrate ourselves in your exulted presence mi lord?
If so – fat chance mate.
Seriously Derek – congratulations. :))
Of course Jack! All manners of genuflection are now acceptable. :))
I'm sure I'm saying this because I'm very happy today and I don't even know if it's true. In short: IGNORE anything I'm going to say. I think scruffy is cute! :)