Love Is In The Air – Spring Has Sprung

spring timeAt last. The end of winter seems to have arrived, and I can get on with planning my new warm-weather routine. Not that things change radically tough. Exchange my pull over for a t-shirt, slippers for bare feet and beer on a terrace instead of inside a café. However, there is something special about this change of season that makes it far more spectacular than the other three.

Love. Yes, spring heralds the necessity to get on with procreation in all its wondrous forms. Right now, there are birds landing on my balcony, beaks full of twigs, readying a nest for the mating season. Flies have suddenly reemerged from their well, wherever they have been and whatever they have been doing while their world was frozen. Ice is turning into water again and the sound of frogs cannot be too far away.

Then there are the little darlings who have been wrapped in long black coats for nearly four months and now feel it’s time to show some skin and as much of their newfound cleavage as they can and start attracting some boys. Mind you, goose pimples are not all that attractive, but they are a tough breed, so they persist.

For the oldies who have passed the biological obligations and necessities of spring, there are, of course, flowers to fascinate and pass the time of day, as well as the opportunity to put that stale bread to good use once again and feed the birds.

Ahh! Spring. Enjoy.

And remember! ‘Those who may want to spring on the inner-spring this spring may find they have offspring next spring.’

2 thoughts on “Love Is In The Air – Spring Has Sprung”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to spring ! This is very inspiring Derek. Of course you added some humor. I love it !
    Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty;… William Shakespeare

    I love the picture. :)

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