10 Ways To Create A Blog Post In Less Than 60 Seconds

lazy bloggerI get asked all the time. Well no, not all the time, but sometimes, or at least once I recall anyway, being asked how I manage to keep a daily blog going. Now, as you can imagine, coming up with pithy, relevant, interesting and entertaining words every day can be a bit of a slog. It also does serious damage to my coffee and cigarette budget, so occasionally, it’s worth speeding up the process. How do I do that, I hear you ask?

Here they are, then.

10 Ways To Zip A Blog Post In Less Than 60 Seconds.

  1. Grab any video from YouTube. Doesn’t matter which one really as no one is going to watch it anyway.
  2. Post some family snaps. If you have iPhoto it should take less than 30 seconds. Try and use baby or puppy dog photos to attract attention.
  3. Copy a really old poem or three. Really, really old so you don’t get into copyright problems.
  4. Post some of your witty Twitter comments. (You can even get a widget to do this automatically for you.) So cool.
  5. Search your hard drive for recipes. There’s always a couple hiding away. (Vegetarian preferably so you have less chance of offending anyone at all.)
  6. Just put the word ‘Apple’ in your title and simply ‘iPad’ in your post and watch the search engines listing your blog in microseconds.
  7. Republish a previous post. (Make sure it’s at least 3 months old as some of your readers may have good memory.)
  8. Post a song! Well, be careful here as audio tracks could get you into copyright problems and anyway, they look boring. So go to rule 1 and get a YouTube video of your favourite song.
  9. Keep junk email. Make use of the pests by copying some half-interesting bit of text. (Perfectly safe as I don’t think spammers would copyright their crap?)
  10. Post an out of office message. (My favourite.)

So there you have it. Happy blogging!

10 thoughts on “10 Ways To Create A Blog Post In Less Than 60 Seconds”

  1. Hi Derek. I am an occasional blogger. I can imagine that coming up with a new and interesting
    topic every day would be difficult. However, you seem to pulling it off very nicely. I love your blog!
    Thank you for the very informative tips!
    I just may give some of them a try.

  2. Holly Jahangiri

    THIS I gotta see… I'm referring to the comment ahead of mine, of course. ;)

  3. Love the YouTube suggestion. Why write words when pictures tell the story so well?

  4. Shannon O'Donnell

    I popped over from W.M. Morrell's to say hello. What a great blog – love this post! :-)

  5. Mizzez Melly Mel

    I agree with kcsfann. I love your blog and you seem to be doing very well!

  6. Well, I blog post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday…. so I have material to blog about!

    Hey, is that a picture of you at the top? *LOL*

  7. goinglocoinyokohama

    Good tips. Just decided to follow you, so you can expect to hear more from me. Gonna try that Junk Mail one. Wish I hadn't deleted them. Had a good one the other day )-:

  8. Thanks for all your comments. Seems lazy blogging is a popular idea! Thx. Derek

  9. Thanks Derek, this will come in handy since I have problems posting a couple times a week. Thanks.

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