Australian English Test – Do You Understand Aussie?

Aussie lingoThere are many forms of English, but one that really requires some learning is true ‘Aussie’ English.

I found this wonderful tongue-in-cheek test for new Australians in my old teaching file.

How much of this can you understand?

Australian Citizenship Test

1. Do you understand the meaning, but are unable to explain the origin of, the term ‘died in the arse’?

2. What is a ‘bloody little beauty’?

3. Are these terms related: ‘chuck a sickie’; ‘chuck a spaz’; ‘chuck a U-ey’?

4. Explain the following passage: ‘In the arvo last Chrissy, the relos rocked up for a barbie, some bevvies and a few snags. After a bit of a Bex and a lie down, we opened the pressies, scoffed all the chockies, bickies and lollies. Then we drained a few tinnies, and Mum did her block after Dad and Steve had a barney and a bit of biffo.’

5. Macca, Chooka and Wanger are driving to Surfers in their Torana. If they are travelling at 100 km/h while listening to Barnsey, Farnsey and Acca Dacca, how many slabs will each person, on average, consume between flashing a brown eye and having a slash?

6. Complete the following sentences:
a) If the van’s rockin’ don’t bother …?
b) You’re going home in the back of a …?
c) Fair crack of the …?

7. I’ve had a gutful, and I can’t be fagged. Discuss

8. Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a wedgie?

9. Do you have a friend or relative who has a car in their front yard ‘up on blocks’? Is his name Bruce and does he have a wife called Cheryl?

10. Does your family regularly eat a dish involving mincemeat, cabbage, curry powder, and a packet of chicken noodle soup called either chow mein, chop suey, or kai see ming?

11. What are the ingredients in a rissole?

12. Demonstrate the correct procedure for eating a Tim Tam.

13. Do you have an Aunty Irene who smokes 30 cigarettes a day and sounds like a bloke?

14. In any two-hour period, have you ever eaten three-bean salad, a chop, and two serves of pav washed down with someone else’s beer that has been flogged from a bath full of ice?

15. When you go to a bring- your-own-meat barbie, can you eat other people’s meat, or are you only allowed to eat your own?

16. What purple root vegetable beginning with the letter ‘b’ is required by law to be included in a hamburger with the lot?

17. Do you own or have you ever owned a lawn mower, a pair of thongs, an Esky or Ugg boots?

18. Is it possible to ‘prang a car’ while doing ‘circle work’?

19. Who would you like to crack on to?

20. Who is the most Australian?:
a) Kevin ‘Bloody’ Wilson
b) John ‘True Blue’ Williamson
c) Kylie Minogue
d) Warnie

21. Is there someone you are only mates with because they own a trailer or have a pool?

22. What does “sinkin’ piss at a mate’s joint and gettin’ para” mean?

If you need help, you can find a translation here to solve your language comprehension difficulties.

3 thoughts on “Australian English Test – Do You Understand Aussie?”

  1. Wendy aka Quillfeather.

    In answer to #22. It means get drunk. Of course. Aussies love to drink. As do kiwis. A lot :)

    Another fun post :)

  2. I need a challenge
    Derek, this is a piece of cake. :)

    1. I believe it means to smell very bad.
    2. I believe that it means to compliment a person or an event.
    4.On the afternoon of last Christmas,relatives came for a B-B-Q, we had some beverages and a few sausages,after a little bix(don't know) and a little lie down(nap),we opened the presents,ate all of the chocolates, (bickies) and lollies(candy),then we had a few drinks and mom got mad at Dad and Steve after they had a little fight.
    5.Something about men driving somewhere and miles.
    7.I've had enough, i don't want to be bothered anymore., a car with missing tires.. hence the blocks.
    10.mincemeat is ground beef. I'm not sure what that Chinese recipe is.
    11.yikes! It sounds yucky.
    12.I do not know what a tim or a tam is or a tim tam.
    13.we would call her a pirate here. She speaks like a man. any two-week period,have you ever eaten a three bean salad, a chop (pork or lamb),two servings of pav. (do not know Pav.)washed down with someones else s beer that has been stolen from a box filled with ice.
    15.I guess if you ask them you can.
    17.lawn mower..of course, thongs..of course,uggs…no
    19.I'll never tell.
    20. I think they are all Australian. i'm not sure who is most Australian.
    22.You got really "messed up" drunk with a friend.

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