
Humor articles

Vampire Fetish Fear

Vampire Fetish Fear

At the end of every day, late in the evening, while walking my dog in the moonlight, I have been recently ever watchful. Keeping my eyes peeled for those loveable creatures of the night – vampires. Now, you might think this is rather odd, but there is a reason. I think my blog is being…

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Yalla Young

The Assistant Vandal

It is now just over a year since I started my ‘live in’ job as the Personal Assistant and Fitness Coach to The Vandal and his alter ego ageing author. To say he was a handful at the beginning would be an understatement. He had no routine, was criminally lazy and lacking in any form…

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The box

The Box

When you mention ‘The Box’ to many, they may immediately think about television. But not to a cricketer. Now I know many of my readers aren’t familiar with cricket, so I won’t go into the complexity of the Laws of Cricket or any of the many customs that go a long with it. What I…

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