
Humor articles

The Silly Name Game

One of the great passions I have in my writing, apart from childish alliterations, double negatives and avoidance of long complicated sentences, is inventing names for my characters. Especially the ones that pop into the story for only a chapter or two. With my main characters I use a little decorum and give them half…

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puppy no

Oh Puppy, No!

Of course, with a new pup now six months old, we suffer the odd embarrassing moment with our new family member as he goes about discovering male canine life. As per usual with a dog of any breed, he is quite unashamed to have a good sniff of visitors’ groins and nether regions. He also…

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bellanda Paris

Why Paris Sucks

Bellanda in Paris is my guest blogger today. Explaining what it’s like to live in beautiful, romantic Paris. The city of love. Ahhhh… Paris! City of lights… City of romance… City of love! I mean really, could a city like this ever really suck? I’m not going to go over all of the things that…

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