Carve The Roast – With A Spoon?

Now, I know many of you like my odd little recipes I post here from time to time, but this one is really special. When my wife told me she was cooking a lamb shoulder roast for dinner, I was very pleased indeed. However, when I discovered how she intended to cook it, I was unsure.

But when I ate it—oh dear me—I was sent to epicurean heaven on a magic carpet. So, here’s how she cooked this magical meal.

A Vandal recipeA Vandal recipe








Generously rub salt and pepper all over the meat, then lightly brown in a pan with a little butter over high heat. Set aside. Into a large oven-proof pot, toss 4-5 long branches of rosemary, 10-12 peeled shallot and the same number of fresh garlic cloves.

Now, place the lamb shoulder in the pot and add about 500 ml (a pint) of chicken stock. (1/4 white wine – 3/4 stock works better.) Now, pop into the oven at a very low heat, around 120c (about 225-250f). Cook for about 6-7 hours, basting the roast with the juices from time to time.

When cooked, carefully remove the meat, shallots and garlic and rest. Drain the remaining liquid from the pot to remove the rosemary, then reduce the liquid over a high heat by about 1/3.

Serve with whatever you fancy, but we had polenta and baby fennel, which complimented the lamb beautifully. And if you got it right ….. the meat is so tender, you serve the meat with a spoon.

Bon appetite!

1 thought on “Carve The Roast – With A Spoon?”

  1. thiswritelife

    Thanks for the recipe! Often wondered how to cook something like lamb. My mom was not a great cook, lots of disasters have followed over the years, but my husband suffers in silence. I will share this with him soon!

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