Now, what can you do with a couple of ordinary looking fish? Fry them for a very, very long time. Believe it or not, this recipe delivers the most moist and juicy fish you’ve ever tasted. It’s just that before you get around to eating it, it seriously looks like you’ve cooked the living daylights out of the poor fish.
Let’s get started then. Rinse and dry the fish, then cut deep slices into each side. All the way to the spine bone. Don’t mess around. Cut deep. Then generously season with salt and pepper and rub into the skin and slices. Then sprinkle each side with flour. Great for hiding the eyes for those eaters a bit shy about seeing eyes on their plates.
Next, heat a frypan to a moderate temperature. About 6/10 on your hot plate dial, and add half sunflower oil and half olive oil to the pan. Place the fish in the pan …. And leave them alone for at least 20 minutes. Yes, 20 minutes and do not touch! Don’t even think about looking! Got it! Don’t look. Trust me.

Once cooked, drain for a minute or two, and then serve with whatever you like. I prefer to serve this with caramelised fennel and golden hash browns.
Then, surprise, surprise, enjoy the wonderfully moist and tasty flesh and crunchy skin that makes this recipe one of my absolute favourites. Enjoy with a wonderfully crisp white wine!