
Just my opinion.

John Hurt 1984


It just occurred to me that when I first read George Orwell’s 1984, it all seemed so far in the future. From memory, I think it was in 1969 that I first read the book, and those fifteen years made all the difference to the sense of believability. At the time, Big Brother was certainly…

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writers block

A Writer’s Free Day

At last! A day free of any commitments. Free from doctor’s appointments, veterinary check-ups, shopping, cleaning, teaching and errand running. Free of students, lesson plans, and check out chicks. Free of driving, being somewhere and forever checking my iPhone calendar for the things I forgot I had forgotten. A free day. So, of course, I…

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House Husband

Wusband Work

There are many titles for this most prestigious of professions. House husband, house spouse, homme au foyer, wusband and, of course, less complimentary ones such as lazy bastard, lucky sod and selfish little artistic prick. By whatever name, however, it is still an oddity in our society for a man to do the domestic chores…

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